
Sunday, October 12, 2014

Beauty in this Life

Dear Son,

I will always make time for you. I will always listen to you (even when you've said "mommy, mommy, mommy" 50 times in a minute.) I will always listen to what you have to say.  I will love you unconditionally. I will forever be silly with you. Laugh with you. Hold you. Cry with you. And will always tell you, "I Love You, I Love You, I Love You."

Even when life gets busy and I feel like there's too much to do, we will especially spend time together. Looking for rainbows, tea parties on a blanket in the front yard, playing airplanes on my feet and dancing to made- up songs.

I will always have time for spending with you, my son.

All photos copyright AM Stewart Photography. 

Tosh taking a photo of Mommy

Friday, August 8, 2014

Kathy's Maternity Shoot

I'm very excited to announce the birth of this photography blog with the display of these wonderful images of my friend Kathy! She is one of those people you meet and fall in love with right away. And she is so open minded, she trusted me to use my creativity to capture her beautiful essence and the essence of her TWO beautiful babies in womb. Usually, I really like to work with clients to execute their vision - but Kathy gave me total freedom! Thank you for your trust and faith my kind friend ... twin photos to come soon, I just can't wait!


Kathy has been writing in a journal to her twins! How sweet is that?!